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Education and Training

Jan 04 ,2020

Delsys Education Team has decades of combined experience; providing fresh research and insight on the neuromuscular system through on-site workshops and “customer-centric” training in different regions all over the world. Training and workshops are a fast, free and easy way to improve upon your field of interest.

If you would like to contact the Delsys Education Team or an individual member, please feel free to fill out this form
or e-mail us at contact@delsys.com


Delsys is the worldwide leader in the design, manufacture, and marketing of a portfolio of high performance electromyography instruments.

These include a range of physiological and biomechanical sensors that are used in all types of human movement research and education.

Delsys Education Team has decades of combined experience; providing fresh research and insight on the neuromuscular system through on-site workshops and “customer-centric” training in different regions all over the world. Training and workshops are a fast, free and easy way to improve upon your field of interest.


What is provided during the training?
Training can be performed at Delsys, at the customer’s site or remotely via WebEx. A trained Delsys representative with several years of experience in the lab or teaching environment will conduct the session. During the training, we will provide a complete overview of the Delsys Systems and capabilities, including hardware and software. The training is specifically designed to meet the customer’s needs and research field of interest.


How does the remote Web Demo/Training work?
The Web service integrates a conference call, chat and screen sharing that allows the trainer to demonstrate the use of Delsys systems via video sharing in real time. The Web training generally lasts anywhere from 30 minutes – 2 hours. The service is provided at no cost.